A message of solidarity from Australia’s muslim community

The genocide of the people of Gaza is in full swing. Under false pretenses and with shameful support of international politicians, Israel is terrorising an already oppressed people. A coalition of Muslim community groups stand together in defiant solidarity and support. 

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Palestinians killed
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of whom are children
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Palestinians injured
Stand in Solidarity!

The Aqsa Frontline Podcast

Episode 1

We explored how Gaza has changed the world in the past 4 months.

Episode 2

Exploring the impending Rafah invasion and who we need to hold accountable for the escalating crimes.

Episode 3

Will these 5 red cows lead to the destruction of Masjid Al Aqsa this Ramadan? Exposing a shocking Zionist plot this Ramadan!

Episode 4

We delve into the starvation of hundreds of thousands in Gaza and unpack the reasoning behind the establishment of the port by the US.

Episode 5

As Iran strikes back after the Zionists bombed their consulate in Damascus, we break down Iran's strategy, response, and geopolitical interests.

Stand in Solidarity!

Community Events

Open Air Khutbah

20th October 12:30pm

Parry Park, Lakemba

Community Stand & Prayer

22nd October 4pm

Paul Keating Park, Bankstown


Educational brochures


Trusted charities you can support to make a difference

Note: We have no affiliation with these entities

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